AutoDCR Application Case Study— Kolhapur Municipal Corporation

Last Updated on February 23, 2023 by softtech

AutoDCR - Kolhapur-Municipal-Corporation

Organization: Kolhapur Municipal Corporation (KMC)

Industry: Government

Client Information: Kolhapur municipality was established in 1854. The establishment of the municipality initiated the planning of modern Kolhapur city. Efforts were made with elaborate planning to develop stable and comfortable city life. The radiant indication of modern enhancement of city growth, happiness, health & beauty started reflected in various fields.

The period from 1941 to 1944 was the golden period in the history of the municipality. There were major changes in various fields. In the three-year election of March 1941 local self-government was established. A control board of three persons, i.e., Bhai. Madhavrao Bagal, Seth Govindrao Korgaonkar, Shri Ratnappa Kumbhar was appointed to it. The motto of this board is “To reserve the society without any discrimination. There is no linking of this board to any political organization. Whatever rights are confessed by the government to citizens should be utilized fully is the prime duty of the board.” is declared in the board’s manifesto.

Modules Implemented: CAD scrutiny Engine & Workflow Management

Objective: To create a common platform in the ERP system which can be shared along with other citizen facilities.

Project Description: AutoDCR Solution has been implemented and integrated with the HCL ERP system to have a smooth operation and have better coordination with all other departments.

Issue and Challenges:  

  • The complex nature of land records and many rules interrelated to each other 
  • Authorities engaged were interpreting the rules as understood them, thus allowing a lot of subjectivity in the interpretation
  • No standard process for determining the efficiency of the staff
  • Coordination with other departments have placed on the same platform/system

Solution: SoftTech has implemented the AutoDCR system in KMC for the Town Planning department and this system has been integrated with HCLERP system.


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